Best Motorcycle/Motorsports Dealer 2023 (2024)

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Best Motorcycle/Motorsports Dealer 2023 (2)

  • Staff Picks
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    • City Life
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    • City Life
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  • Best Of Cincinnati
  • 2023
  • Reader Pick

  1. CinCity Harley-Davidson

  2. Metro Scooter

  3. Queen City Harley-Davidson

Previous Winners

  • 2024CinCity Harley-Davidson
  • 2022Best Motorcycle/Motorsports Dealer
  • 2020CinCity Harley-Davidson
  • 2019Harley-Davidson of Cincinnati

Best Motorcycle/Motorsports Dealer 2023 (3)

Here are the 2023 Best Of Cincinnati® Reader and Staff Pick winners for Shops & Services.

  • Best Of Cincinnati
  • 2023
  • Reader Pick
  1. Jungle Jim's International Market
  2. The Party Source
  3. Liquor Barn (Formerly DEP's Fine Wine & Spirits) TIE
    4. Marty's Hops and Vines TIE
  • Best Of Cincinnati
  • 2023
  • Staff Pick

Boys, keep out! Explorer Chick has women-only tours all over the world, but they call Cincinnati their home. With trips ranging from backpacking in the Grand Canyon to glamping in Belize, the tours focus on exploring new places and getting your heart and blood pumping for adventure. The website makes it easy to book — sort tours by where you want to go and what kind of experience you want to have. Up for hiking? Rappelling? Surfing? All three? Click on those options and see where Explorer Chick can take you. And if none of your gal pals can go with you, don’t worry; it’s super-easy to bond with and befriend the other badass ladies on your trip.

  • Best Of Cincinnati
  • 2023
  • Reader Pick

  1. Beelistic Tattoo

  2. Skincraft Piercing & Tattoo

  3. Hybrid Image

  • Best Of Cincinnati
  • 2023
  • Reader Pick
  1. Cincinnati Museum Center
  2. Parky’s Farm
  3. Super Parties TIE
    4. Dave & Buster’s TIE
  • Best Of Cincinnati
  • 2023
  • Reader Pick

  1. Top Golf

  2. Toyko Kitty

  3. MadTree Brewing

  • Best Of Cincinnati
  • 2023
  • Reader Pick

  1. Richter & Phillips

  2. Schwartz Jewelers

  3. Monmouth Jewelers

  • Best Of Cincinnati
  • 2023
  • Reader Pick

  1. Fern

  2. Natorp's Nursery Outlet

  3. A.J. Rahn Greenhouses

  • Best Of Cincinnati
  • 2023
  • Reader Pick

  1. Mandell-Brown Plastic Surgery Center

  2. McKenna Cosmetic Surgery Center

  3. The Plastic Surgery Group

  • Best Of Cincinnati
  • 2023
  • Reader Pick

  1. Apollo Home

  2. Jolly Plumbing

  3. Zins Plumbing

  • Best Of Cincinnati
  • 2023
  • Reader Pick

  1. Tiffany Brogden

  2. Jordan Nicely

  3. Nick Foltz

  • Best Of Cincinnati
  • 2023
  • Reader Pick

  1. Sibcy Cline

  2. Keller Williams Realty

  3. Pivot Realty Group

  • Best Of Cincinnati
  • 2023
  • Reader Pick

  1. Maple Knoll Village

  2. Twin Lakes

  3. Marjorie P. Lee

  • Best Of Cincinnati
  • 2023
  • Reader Pick

  1. Mt. Lookout Shoe Repair

  2. D & P Shoe Repair

  3. Clarence Howell Shoe Repair

  • Best Of Cincinnati
  • 2023
  • Reader Pick

  1. Jungle Jim's International Market

  2. Hemptations

  3. High on the Hill

  • Best Of Cincinnati
  • 2023
  • Reader Pick

  1. H&R Block

  2. The Tax Man

  3. Orcutt & Company CPA

  • Best Of Cincinnati
  • 2023
  • Reader Pick

  1. Churchill's Fine Teas

  2. Jungle Jim’s International Market

  3. Coffee Emporium

  • Best Of Cincinnati
  • 2023
  • Reader Pick

  1. Christ Hospital Urgent Care Red Bank Rd.

  2. Bluegrass Urgent Care

  3. CareFirst Urgent Care - Beechmont

  • Best Of Cincinnati
  • 2023
  • Reader Pick

  1. Cincy Vapors

  2. Lefty's Tobacco Plus

  3. Galaxy Vapors

  • Best Of Cincinnati
  • 2023
  • Reader Pick

  1. Noah's Ark Animal Clinics

  2. Animal Care Center

  3. Grady Veterinary Hospital

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Best Motorcycle/Motorsports Dealer 2023 (2024)


Which is the motorcycle of the year 2023? ›

The Triumph Scrambler 400X claimed the first runner-up position, while the KTM 390 Duke secured the second runner-up spot. That being said, the Royal Enfield Hunter 350 was crowned the Indian Motorcycle of the Year in 2023.

What is the fastest production motorcycle 2023? ›

Motorbikes That Bring Joy to Riders: The Fastest in the World
  1. 7 Fastest Motorbikes in 2023 and Why Riders Love Them. ...
  2. Kawasaki Ninja H2R. ...
  3. Dodge Tomahawk. ...
  4. Ducati Panigale V4 R. ...
  5. Lightning LS-218. ...
  6. BMW S1000RR. ...
  7. Suzuki Hayabusa. ...
  8. Yamaha YZF-R1M.
Oct 6, 2023

Which motorcycle company is the best? ›

The best motorcycle brands
  • Ducati. If you ask many who is the best motorcycle brand, you will find that many agree that it is Ducati. ...
  • BMW. If you are a car lover, surely you know BMW. ...
  • Honda. What is the best motorcycle brand? ...
  • Yamaha. Another of the classics within motorcycles are the Yamaha. ...
  • Kawasaki. ...
  • Triumph. ...
  • Aprilia. ...
  • Peugeot.

What is the number one motorcycle brand? ›

Harley-Davidson is arguably the most well-known motorcycle brand in the world. Founded in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1903, Harley Davidson has been producing motorcycles for over 100 years.

What is the best selling motorcycle in 2023? ›

And none was more popular in 2023 than the Yamaha NMAX, which outsold everything else including its great rival the Honda PCX 125.

What is the top rated motorcycle? ›

Top 10 Motorcycle Reviews of 2023
  • 2023 Yamaha TW200. Yamaha's tried-and-true TW200 has long been a favorite among riders, and the reception to our review of the 2023 edition proves that its staying power is strong. ...
  • 2023 Moto Guzzi V100 Mandello S. ...
  • 2023 Yamaha Niken GT. ...
  • 2023 Kawasaki KLR650 Adventure.
Jan 16, 2024

Which motorcycle company has the best engine? ›

The most amazing fact that justifies why Honda ranks on top is the stubborn nature of its engines. The one motorcycle brand that is widely seen being used roughly with no proper care and maintenance and still runs smoothly without failing, ensuring maximum lifetime, is Honda.

What is the number one selling motorcycle in the US? ›

Honda Super Cub: The Super Cub holds the title of the best-selling motorcycle of all time, as a small-displacement motorcycle with fuel efficiency and ease of use. Kawasaki Ninja: The Ninja series is a top-selling line of sport bikes, captivating riders with track-inspired technology and aggressive styling.

Who sells the most motorcycles? ›

However, starting from the top, the leader, as in the last 50 years is Honda. Not a surprise, of course. It is almost well known that the Japanese manufacturer dominates the industry with around one third of the industry in its hands.

What is better, Yamaha or Honda? ›

Yamaha excels in high-performance engineering, bold designs, and cutting-edge technology, making it a great choice for riders seeking a thrilling and sporty experience. However, at Escondido Cycle Center, we proudly stand by Honda motorcycles for their unparalleled reliability, comfort, and user-friendly features.

Is Yamaha or Kawasaki better? ›

Ultimately, the choice between Yamaha and Kawasaki will come down to individual taste, budget, and the specific needs of the rider. Both manufacturers offer a wide range of models that cater to different preferences, ensuring that there is a motorcycle to suit every rider's needs.

Which bike is popular in 2023? ›

Royal Enfield Guerrilla 450 Ex-Showroom price starts at Rs. 2.39 Lakh and goes upto Rs. 2.54 Lakh . Royal Enfield offers Guerrilla 450 in 3 variants.

Which is the motorcycle of the year in 2024? ›

With victories in the categories “Sports Bikes”, “Crossover”, “Power Naked, “Adventure Touring” and “Tourers/Sport Tourers” as well as a second place and three third places, BMW Motorrad achieved another outstanding result in MOTORRAD magazine's readers' choice "Motorcycle of the Year 2024".

What is the most beautiful motorcycle in the world 2023? ›

Ducati Hypermotard 698 Mono RVE is the “Moto più bella” (Most beautiful bike) of EICMA 2023. Milan, 12 November 2023 – The Hypermotard 698 Mono RVE wins the title of "Most Beautiful Motorcycle" at EICMA 2023.

What is USA motorcycle of the Year? ›

“This bike is the pointy end of the sport-touring spear, and it's sharper than ever.” 'Nuff said. Congratulations to KTM for the 1290 Super Duke GT, Rider's 2023 Motorcycle of the Year!


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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Views: 5605

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (63 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.